Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Skip Ads! would they survive or...

imagine the way people would start skipping Ads on TV once they get used to the new way of watching TV that is brought by TATA SKY plus. will it be the end of Ad films? would they still survive? Lets find out...

but that's how life is. it keeps changing. sometimes it does take a full circle. that's why we call, history repeats itself. there was a time in the 80s when there was just one TV channel and very less Ads. people would flock in front of the TV for the important dose of news that would gather in the newsroom in one single day being presented at night.

it has come a long way from there now. today the Advertisers are dying for a space in the most watched channels to show their Ads. they carefully choose among the premium channels and the highest TRP serials or sports to target the Ads to the maximum possible mass. The widespread effect can be seen from the time Cricket World Cup was hosted in India in 1996. There were atleast an Ad after every over. This went on to effect all the telecasts of Cricket and other sports in India. then it affected the TV series (serials).

today the Ads are existing because somewhere down the line we dont have the control on what we watch and what not. Even though there are hundreds of channels in our drawing room or bedroom, we are still entitled to somehow see the Ads that breach our TV channels to go through our peripheral vision and ultimately some leave their mark on our minds for days in terms of their concepts and execution.

But its soon to be realism that we control what we see. The Government acution of the 3G spectrum is one step towards that fact. Other is the onset of TATA sky plus which gives total control to the viewers as in what they wish to watch and what not. That sometimes would make them not to watch the Ads and people would soon skipping Ads on TV on all channels. Isn't this a revolution? Isn't this a danger sign for the Ad industry? Would all again go back to the drawing boards and would do widespread campaigns in terms of print and display boards?

Would this be a reverse trend anyway affecting the way people are employed in the television industry? hehe.. everything seems to be connected together. .